House of BeanTea | An Urban Homestead

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Week 20: Preparing

Week 20: Preparing

Posted by on Aug 30, 2013 in Backyard Brood, Blog, Featured Post | 0 comments

Can you believe it’s been five months already since we brought the wee peepers home? Twenty-ish weeks ago… And this week… By now it’s a little harder to get them all in frame together. But though they each have their own favorite spot in the yard, they remain best buddies just as they were in the brooder, eagerly inspecting...

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Avocado: Can I Feed it to the Chickens?

Avocado: Can I Feed it to the Chickens?

Posted by on Jul 9, 2013 in Backyard Brood, Blog, Can I?, Featured Post, Useful to Know | 1 comment

Every time I toss something in the compost bin these days, I wonder: Can I feed it to the chickens? Turns out I’m not alone, and there are tons of lists and discussion forums out there that suggest treats and trouble alike among your kitchen scraps, and some are overwhelmingly comprehensive and hard to look at. Not all of them offer up reasons...

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12 weeks: Teenagers.

12 weeks: Teenagers.

Posted by on Jul 7, 2013 in Backyard Brood, Blog, Featured Post | 0 comments

Ah, youth. So fleeting. It seems like just yesterday we were holding these teeny birds in the palm of a hand. And it kind of was! Can you believe these girls have grown this much in just 12 weeks?! Just three months! I just cannot get over how fast chickens put on weight and feathers and appetite. And here’s sobering thought for food, as Colbert...

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Name that Chicken: Guin

Name that Chicken: Guin

Posted by on Jun 27, 2013 in Backyard Brood, Blog, Featured Post | 1 comment

Oh, dear Guin. Are you going to Scarborough Fair? There’s just something magical about you. Your pretty markings and sanguine attitude call to mind all sorts of interesting tales. Is it your coat of many colors? Your exotic eye makeup and sprightly puffy cheeks? The rich layering of variegated feathers that creates the effect of a golden cloak...

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Name that Chicken: Dottie

Name that Chicken: Dottie

Posted by on Jun 17, 2013 in Backyard Brood, Blog, Featured Post | 0 comments

Oh, Dottie. It’s about time for you to stick your beak into things! Until you arrived on the scene, we wouldn’t have thought a chick could be regal. But there you sat, all puffed up and proud in a minky fur coat. While the other chicks drifted to sleep in place by wilting forward in slow motion to the point of falling over, you let your head...

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Name that Chicken: Barbarella

Name that Chicken: Barbarella

Posted by on Jun 6, 2013 in Backyard Brood, Blog, Featured Post | 0 comments

That’s right, little chickie: Your namesake is that Barbarella. Yes, it’s kind of a mouthful, and maybe sometimes we’ll shorten it a wee bit to Barbie or Bella when we’re shouting across the yard at dusk. But how could we not go formally with the whole glorious name of Barbarella? Just look at the resemblance! We won’t make...

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