House of BeanTea | An Urban Homestead

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Name That Chicken: Ptera

Name That Chicken: Ptera

Posted by on Jun 5, 2013 in Backyard Brood, Blog, Featured Post | 0 comments

You’re a feisty one, Ptera! We knew this, of course, from day one when you arrived sporting punk rock eyeliner. So innocent-looking! Smaller than the rest, always sitting off in the corner those first few weeks, just keeping to yourself so quietly we worried you might be ill… little did we know you were laying in wait! Ahh! Pterattack! Just...

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Name that Chicken: Ziggy

Name that Chicken: Ziggy

Posted by on May 27, 2013 in Backyard Brood, Blog, Featured Post | 4 comments

Oh, you darling polish charmer chickie. Such a showstopper, you incite a reaction in everyone you meet! Especially as your beautiful plumage has filled out in new and exciting ways these past six weeks… … as each feather unfurls atop the last, it turns out—to the delight of all—that you, little chicken, look just like a Vegas showgirl....

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